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PUBLISHED: May 29, 2013 6 min read

Google Penguin 2.0: How Will it Affect your SEO Strategy?

On this episode of AmsiveDigital TV , Ruben Quinones and Avinash Conda, of Amsive, an NYC SEO Agency, discuss  the latest version of Google’s Penguin update, which will more effectively target “spammy links” through the web.

If you haven’t already heard from Matt Cutts’ latest video, Google has already rolled out the second version of Penguin, called Penguin 2.0. Penguin 2.0 will focus on penalizing spammy links which show up in search results. Examples of “spammy links” include paid links, selling links, spam inquiries, links to making money online, and links to free stuff. Spammy links hurt search results because they are unnatural and manufactured so it leads to the dilution of the quality of content your search results will retrieve.

Ruben, Director of New Media Relations comments, there’s work you can do on your website and work you can do off your website that send signals to Google. These signals allow Google to come the conclusion of whether or not your site is worthy of ranking for a specific keyword or category. With that, there are black and white hat practices used when deploying an SEO strategy, and precisely a link building strategy. Especially with this Penguin 2.0 roll-out, you want to make sure that you’re not linking to any spammy sites and similarly, not receiving links from spammy sites.

Looking to enhance your company’s Search Marketing presence? Contact us to speak with one of our Search Engine Marketing Specialists.


Host: Ruben Quinones.
Co-host: Avinash Conda.

0:13 Ruben Quinones Hey there welcome back to another episode of AmsiveDigital TV. I am your true host, sometimes they do this show without me knowing, Ruben Quinones, here for Amsive Digital and we have Avinash Conda, SEO and Social strategist.
0:32 Avinash, we have talked about different animals, penguins and pandas and its relationship to Google. Anyway this are just names for different updates which we are having for a while and panda for the most part have been really focusing on spammy content. So what are we going to see, I guess, some changes coming up on the pipe line in the next couple of months later on this year?
0:58 What are the things that we need to be aware of if we are optimizing our site? Or someone else is optimizing their site?
1:02 Avinash Conda – Penguin 2.0 Usually Google don’t come out and announce that they are making a huge change. If the webmasters finds any change, they see any new things happening to their ranking they freak out, blog about it and get it out front.
1:20 And that’s when Google come out coolly and say “Hey, we just roll out a change.”
1:24 But this time Google actually released a video saying they are going to make a pretty substantial change and they named it Penguin 2.0. This time it’s going to be intense version of penguin 1.0.
1:44 Ruben Quinones Penguin and panda, actually has no difference?
1:47 Avinash Conda – No Panda is different, Penguin is about link. This time it’s concentrating more on spammy links. It did previously but now they say they have more intelligent way of analyzing links.
2:03 And this time they are going to really target really hard on people who are selling links. You know pay-in links you cannot do that in Google.
2:12 Ruben Quinones – So I guess any site that is associate with selling links, sites that have links on them, linking back to them might have an issue I guess.
2:26 Avinash Conda – Yeah, might have an issue what we are seeing it in the next couple of months. To which extend they said that the effect would be much larger than Penguin. So Penguin 2.0 would be much bigger than that.
2:42 And they also are saying they would concentrated on spammy queries like maybe make money online, free stuff, any pornographic queries that actually concentrate more on that to not give spammers off but give the users some better results.
3:06 Ruben Quinones – We don’t know exactly how this algorithm is doing and just to take a step back, waiting for any viewers that; why we are talking about links. Because that’s how the critical component always has been when it comes to what we called off page optimization.
3:25 What you can do on the website and what you can do off your website to sensing that to Google that hey it’s a important website when it comes to the key term.
3:32 So lots of SEO’s out there or agencies in some cases are doing some manipulate tactics and this is geared to add any websites or agency that might be practicing any tactics like that.
3:49 Any other thing that we should be aware off?
3:51 Avinash Conda – It’s just links, reciprocal links which more people don’t do this days but again that’s another issue. I said spammy queries, those queries will be targeted. Link wheels, they have lot of sites which will link to each other in a circle. They are going to be more intelligent in analyzing the way the link profile is for website and then they will be assigning ranks.
4:22 Ruben Quinones – How do you evaluate this? I guess you can come and ask us.
4:30 Avinash Conda – Spammer don’t spam.
4:32 Ruben Quinones – Right, so if it comes across any unnatural and enforced which is why you don’t want to have too many links out there or you don’t want to go and manufacture links because technically it leads dilution of the quality of those links.
4:48 You typically humanized bots whether it’s a natural link or not. You put a great piece of content, you are getting a lot. You can put up creepy content and get a lot of links from there, it’s something that’s unnatural.
5:03 Thank you very much Avinash for another episode here on AmsiveDigital TV. And thank you for joining us. Have a good morning, good afternoon, good evening wherever you are, whenever you are watching this.
5:14 Its bean a long time. Wherever you are watching this, whenever you are and I will see you in the next episode.
5:18 Avinash Conda – Thank you.
